米亞的手套奇蹟 (有聲故事書) 帶孩子們加入米亞和她的毛絨朋友們,一起尋找在聖誕前夜丟失的心愛手套。這場溫馨的冒險之旅讓他們不僅找到了手套,還發現了溫暖與友誼的真正意義。這本有聲故事書充滿了節日的溫暖和愛,同時幫助孩子們學習英文。透過生動的情節和豐富的詞彙,孩子們可以在愉快的氛圍中提升英語能力。適合所有喜愛童話故事和學習新語言的小朋友,快來和米亞一起探索這場充滿愛與奇蹟的聖誕冒險吧!
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.
Shu Chen Hou Ph.D., once rooted in the realm of science, has gracefully embarked on a path that led her to becoming a writer who captivates, a music composer who enchants, and a founder of Kokoshungsan Ltd. Though her beginnings were in science, she seamlessly transitioned into the realms of literature, music, and business. Through her written words, Dr. Hou crafts vivid stories, and her harmonious compositions stir profound emotions. This journey stands as a testament to the beauty of embracing diverse passions, illustrating that genuine brilliance knows no bounds.